(An Ode to Flat Rocks)
The gentle flowing of water
Are like loud sirens of remembrance
This place I have not seen for years
And nothing much has changed.
The sounds of birds
The sights of green
The flatness of rocks
The vividness of dreams.
I used to roam here in my youth
Alone as I journeyed along rocky paths
I’ve seen snakes, leeches and couples dating
Life endures while its seeds are born here.
I traveled around the world
I’ve seen snakes, leeches and couples dating
In beaches, temples and cities
But this place in my memory rents a place.
Rocks in this place are flat
Not as grand as canyons
Waters here are not as clear
As the rushing waters in other places.
The gentle uneventful flowing of the waters
Are like flat notes in a symphony of my memory
But the simplicity of nature’s random order
Makes the flatness of this place enduring.